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Sleep Deeply to Reduce Fatigue & Feel Energized Every Day
Introduction to help you make the most of this program
Welcome! Video
Week 1: Start here to learn some simple techniques to start feeling rested
How to Approach this Week
Video--Techniques of yoga to get your best rest (19:20)
Quiz--Determine your Dosha now to help make this program more individualized
Video--Calming breath to balance Vata or Pitta to find calm & ease before bed (6:26)
Video--Cooling Breath to balance Pitta, especially if you get hot at night (3:54)
Handout--Calming & Cooling breath
Week 2: Surprise Hacks to help you sleep more soundly
How to Use Approach this Week
Video--Surprise Hacks to help you sleep better (23:29)
Video--Bedtime Balm-Yoga Practice to help bring you to a state of calm before bed (22:25)
Handout--Simple techniques to support rest & relaxation anytime, anywhere
Handout--Simple practice, part of Bedtime Balm yoga to help balance Vata & Pitta
Week 3: Feed your body + mediations to induce relaxation & sleep
How to Approach this Week
Video--What to take & not to take: Nutrients & Supplements to support your best sleep (18:41)
Recording--Mindfulness Meditation to reduce uncomfortable sensations or thoughts
Video + Handout-- Bhu (Earth) Mudra for grounding to support rest & relaxation, balances Vata & Pitta (4:02)
Video + Handout-- Self-Massage Points to relax the muscles of Thinking, Planning & Worrying (3:13)
Week 4: Practices for your specific Dosha to help you prep for sleep
How to Approach this Week
Video--Yoga Poses to balance Vata (8:15)
Video--Yoga Poses to balance Pitta (5:41)
Video--Yoga Poses to balance Kapha (4:59)
Video + Handout--Pala Mudra to reduce anxiety to support rest & relaxation, balances Vata (3:02)
Please Review
Video + Handout--Pala Mudra to reduce anxiety to support rest & relaxation, balances Vata
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